Private Planet Приложения

Ooredoo Backup 1.1.18154
Private Planet
Ooredoo Backup is a powerful cloud backupsolution for PC and Android smartphones and tablets, which storesthe backup content in the personal and secure space of the user inthe cloud.• Backup your data from all your devices - Windows PCs, desktopsand laptops, and Android smartphones or tablets.• Unlimited storage in your Cloud from 20 Gigabytes.• Access data from your Android, PC devices or from your Cloudsafely.• Send and share files and folders with a single click.• Create closer relationship with customers and suppliers throughsecure sharing with you in control.• Publish documents on the web safely.• Help your team to work collaboratively on projects, documents andenhance interactions with customers.• Added security to wipe data stored on mobile devices as well asincremental backing-up of data from your devices.Ocloud Backup gives you much more....• Most personal backup solutions focus exclusively on filestorage. Ooredoo Backup provides much more value than a traditionalbackup solution - safe and reliable access to your data in thecloud (your Cloud) or on your devices (PCs, Android smartphones ortablets) from the office, from home or on the move.Backup your data on mobile devices or computers, files andfolders are stored in your secure Ocloud. Web publishing is madeeasy and intuitive, as is integration with social networks and thebackup and synchronization of address books.
jamLoco 1.21
Private Planet
jamLoco is an amazing revolutionary waytocommunicate using digital maps, that has never been done before.jamLoco Social – ‘Living the life jamLoco’Jamming is wanting to know who’s next door, in your area, inthecountry you are in or going to. Who’s there? See who's inthecoffee shop, school, gym, at the game, mall, library,work,exhibition, in the bar, at the party... See, talk and messagewithyour friends or reach out to people you have never met -yourchoice. Widen your world - it's very exciting!Put yourself out there and see what you're missing out on. Talktoanyone on the jamLoco social map. Video chat with people inyourlocal neighbourhood or anywhere in the world, living in placesthatyou have never visited or heard of. Jam shout in your areaforgroup chats with other jammers.Find romance, friends, new business pals.jamLoco Business - 'What ya need'Are you a doctor, lawyer, city expert, taxi driver, fruitseller,restaurant expert, food delivery service, plumber, localguide,electrician, or do you possess any other brilliant skillsurgentlyneeded - home helper, baby sitter, dog walker, cleaner,ironinglady, personal trainer? Expand your customer base byoffering yourservices on the jamLoco map. Get a professional badgeby registeringas a service and boost your income now!Who knows where you can go? Enter your own profile and be rankedbyother jammers.Don't surf the web, jam the map! No login required. Createyourown identity from your phone or tablet.Get your feet itching and you fingers jamming!Download jamLoco to start jamming today!Video chat, radial chat, anonymity. Different features toSkype,Viber, WeChat, LINE, What's App.Talk to people around you.
CamJam 1.9
Private Planet
CamJam turns your Android phone into alivevideo camera.You can use CamJam to see all CamJam cameras around theworld.You can also create private channels for your own privatecamerafeeds.Live video broadcasting from your mobile and desktop• Turn your smartphone or tablet into a live video camera inaninstant.• Web link to your live camera video.• Use existing or affordable smartphones or tablets.• Easy application set-up.• No login required. Not restricted to users ofsocialnetworks!• Create private channels for privacy.*• Start public cameras for the whole world to see.• See your cameras on the CamJam world map.* Subscription required through Play Store.Affordable video monitoringCamJam turns into an affordable video monitoring system foryoureveryday needs that change over time.• Flexible and affordable monitoring system that usessmartphonesas cameras.• Your smartphone becomes your portable camera allowing you tomeetyour everyday monitoring needs as they change.• Unlimited number of uses! As many as differenteverydaysituations: office cam, neighborhood watch cam, babymonitor(babycam), home cam, empty property monitor, lecture cam,weathermonitor, meeting cam, etc.• Ideal for old or affordable smartphones or tablets that arenotbeing used as your main phone.• Easy application set-up with two options: start camera orwatchcamera.• No login required to use the application.• Just place a tablet or smartphone on a bookshelf, table orwalland start recording!• Start public cameras for the whole world to see or createprivatechannels for restricted viewing.
Nedjma Coffre-fort 1.0.11839
Private Planet
Le Cloud Backup by Nedjma - Sécurisezvosdonnées!Nedjma Coffre-fort” est une solution de sauvegardeCloudperformante pour ordinateurs PC et Smartphones/tablettesAndroid.Elle permet d’archiver le contenu des sauvegardes dans unespacepersonnel et sécurisé sur le Cloud. Cet espace estappeléCoffre-fort et est accessible pour l’utilisateur depuis unlargeéventail d’appareils, à la fois fixes et mobiles.Un service de sauvegarde complet pour la plateforme Windowsquistocke le contenu de la sauvegarde dans un espace personneletsécurisé sur le Cloud:◦ Créez et gérez des sauvegardes de vos documents sur tousvosordinateurs Windows.◦ Stockez vos documents en toute sécurité dans votre Coffre-fortsurle Cloud.◦ Récupérez vos documents à partir de l'un de vosappareilsconnectés à votre Coffre-fort (mobiles Android ouPCWindows).◦ Gagnez du temps grâce aux sauvegardes incrémentales ou optezpourune sauvegarde complète.◦ Sélectionnez à votre guise les dossiers ou groupes de fichiersquevous souhaitez sauvegarder.◦ Les sauvegardes peuvent être exécutées manuellement à toutmomentou peuvent être programmées périodiquement (quotidien,hebdomadaireou mensuel.Sauvegardez toutes les photos de tous vos appareilsmobilesAndroid connectés à votre Coffre-fort:◦ Accédez à toutes les photos sauvegardées à partir devotreordinateur Windows.◦ Affichez vos photos sous forme de vignettes ou biendediaporama.◦ Faites tourner et supprimez vos photos.◦ Un panel complet de commandes est prévu pour filtrer eteffectuerdes recherches sur vos photos.Conservez dans votre Coffre-fort tous les contacts devosappareils mobiles connectés:◦ Vos contacts peuvent être facilement accessibles à partirdel’ensemble de vos ordinateurs Windows grâce à la fonction«Annuaires ».◦Affichez et supprimez tous vos contacts comme vouslesouhaitez.Faites une sauvegarde de tous vos SMS à partir de l'ensembledevos mobiles Android:◦ Accédez à tous vos SMS et contacts sauvegardés depuis tousvosordinateurs Windows.◦ Supprimez tout contenu de mobile sauvegardé à partir den’importelequel de vos ordinateurs.Accédez à tout moment à vos données depuis n’importe lequeldevos appareils:◦ Explorez et restaurez vos données depuis le Cloud ou à partirdel'un de vos appareils (PC ou mobiles Android).◦ Nul besoin de vous rappeler de sauvegarder vos fichiers surleCloud ou sur une clé USB.Partagez, envoyez et recevez des fichiers et dossiers entoutesécurité avec◦ vos employés,◦ vos clients,◦ vos partenaires,◦ vos fournisseurs,◦ votre direction,◦ les services d’aide aux entreprises (comptables, avocats,banques...).Quels avantages supplémentaires ?◦ Un partage des fichiers par courriel facilité.◦ Une publication Web intuitive et sûre.◦ Un intranet / extranet instantané.◦ Une interaction aisée avec les réseaux sociaux (Facebook,Twitter,WordPress).◦ Un transfert automatique des photos et vidéos de votreSmartphoneou tablette Android vers votre Coffre-fort.Cloud Backup by Nedjma-Secure your data!Nedjma Safe "is a powerful backup solution for PCsandsmartphones / tablets Android Cloud. It allows you to archivethecontents of backups in a personal and secure in the cloudspace.This space is called Safe and accessible to the user from awiderange of devices, both fixed and mobile.A full backup service for the Windows platform that storesthecontents of the backup in a personal and secure in thecloudspace:◦ Create and manage backups of your documents on all yourWindowscomputers.◦ Store your documents securely in your safe in the cloud.◦ Collect your documents from one of your connected to yourSafe(Android or Windows Mobile PC) devices.◦ Save time with incremental backups or opt for a fullbackup.◦ Select the way your folders or files you want to backup.◦ The backups can be run manually at any time or can bescheduledperiodically (daily, weekly or monthly.Save all the pictures of all your mobile devices connectedtoyour Android Safe:◦ Access all saved pictures from your Windows computer.◦ Display your photos as thumbnails or a slideshow.◦ Run and delete your photos.◦ A comprehensive set of commands is provided to filter andsearchyour photos.Keep in your safe all your contacts connectedmobiledevices◦ Your contacts can be easily accessed from all of yourWindowscomputer with the "Directories" function.◦ View and delete all your contacts as you wish.Make a backup of all your SMS from all of yourAndroidmobile:◦ Access all your SMS and saved from all your Windowscomputerscontacts.◦ Remove any mobile content saved from any of your computers.Anytime access to your data from any of your devices:◦ Explore and restore your data from the cloud or from any ofyourdevices (PC or mobile Android).◦ No need to remind you to save your files in the cloud or on aUSBstick.Share, send and receive files and folders securely with◦ your employees◦ your customers◦ your partners◦ your suppliers◦ your direction,◦ support services to businesses (accountants, lawyers,banks...).What additional benefits?◦ A file sharing by email facility.◦ An intuitive and secure Web publishing.◦ An intranet / extranet snapshot.◦ An easy interaction with social networks (Facebook,Twitter,WordPress).◦ An automatic transfer of photos and videos from yourAndroidsmartphone or tablet to your Safe.